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Before and after abdominoplasty and liposuction in a 61 year old woman. When we meet a patient in consultation, we ask “why?” (are you interested in this procedure) and “why now?” Since she was in her 60’s this was a valid question.

She had raised several children, and she was now a grandmother who was physically fit and healthy. Her children were in between having kids, and she had an opportunity “to finally do something for herself”.

Therefore, this procedure not only was her Mommy Makeover, it was her “Nana Makeover”! An abdominoplasty removed excess lower abdominal skin and fat, including many of her stretch marks. Her abdominal muscles were repaired, her tummy skin redraped downward, and her belly button inset through a new skin opening.

Liposuction removed fat circumferentially from her abdomen and flanks, pubic region, upper inner thighs and bra roll. She had a full six months of recovery before her next grandchild was born, at which point she felt like herself again with normal energy and strength.

Follow up photos are shown 8 months after surgery.


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton