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Before and after abdominoplasty as part of a Mommy Makeover in a 44 year old woman. After having her children, she found that her abdominal muscles bulged apart and she felt less stability of her core. She was very physically active and no amount of ab work could bring her muscles back together. She had “rectus diastasis”, permanent separation of the rectus abdominis muscles after multiple pregnancies.

A tummy tuck was performed at the same time as a breast augmentation and liposuction. Excess skin and fat from her lower abdomen was excised, and her abdominal muscles were repaired to one another in the midline. Her belly button was brought out through a new skin opening. Liposuction removed stubborn fat from her upper and lower abdomen, flanks, upper inner thighs and axillary rolls.

Follow up photos are shown 6 months after surgery. Her scar is fading and her abdominal contour is flat. She feels like her has her pre-pregnancy abdomen back and no longer feels instability of her core when doing pushups and planks. She doesn’t mind the abdominal scar being longer than her old C-section scars – she feels it’s worth it!


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton