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Before and after bilateral tubular breast correction via a breast augmentation in a 22 year old woman. She also had mild pectus excavatum, where her sternum was subtly sloping inwards. She felt her breasts were proportionally too small for her frame, and she disliked the tubular shape.

Smooth round silicone gel breast implants were placed on top of the muscle, in the subglandular plane. The implant created a more round shape to her breast. Liposuction removed a small amount of fat from her armpit area. She started implant massage at one week postop and scar therapy at one month when her scabs were gone.

Follow up photos are shown two weeks after surgery. Her breast skin is still swollen, particularly on her left dominant side, but is starting to relax. With time, the round upper pole will become more of a natural teardrop slope and the tight lower pole of her breast will round out further and accept more of the implant. Because of her pectus excavatum, her implants sloped inward to touch in the midline (like a ball rolling downhill). She is very happy with her early results!


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton