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Before and after bilateral breast implant revision in a 49 year old woman with previously placed implants under the muscle.  They developed capsular contracture soon after her surgery, but she waited to have a revision until her children were older and she felt comfortable taking time off her "Mom duties" for a couple of weeks.

Her implants were too narrow and small for her liking, due to contracture of scar tissue around the implants.  She felt discomfort whenever she flexed her pectoralis major muscles.

The revision involved removing the old implants and all the surrounding scar tissue (total capsulectomy), replacing her pectoralis muscles back to the chest wall, and creation of a new implant pocket on top of the muscle, in the prepectoral or subglandular position.

New smooth round silicone gel breast implants that were slightly wider (to better fill her breast "footprint") and fuller to be more proportional to her body were placed.  She had drains in place for a week, and resumed exercise and all her regular parenting rolls in three weeks.

Follow up photos are shown a year after surgery.  She is so happy with her revision and she forgets she has breast implants! (an ideal result).


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton