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Before and after breast revision in a 51 year old woman.  She had previously undergone bilateral skin-sparing mastectomies and submuscular tissue expander and implant reconstruction.  She was very muscular and could not stand the severe motion deformity that occurred whenever she used her upper body.  Her implants were displaced upward and outward due to muscle flexion, and fell into her armpits whenever she lay down. 

She wished to have a revision of her breast reconstruction that would give her a more natural look without the pulling and distortion from the implants being under her muscles.  Her scars were stretched and she had significant asymmetry of her past reconstruction attempt. 

Her breast scars were revised, and the previously placed breast implants removed.  Her pectoralis major muscles were returned to her chest wall and her chest muscles were reconstructed.  A new 8th generation cohesive silicone gel breast implant was placed on top of the muscle. 

She now has much better symmetry, the flexion/motion deformity is gone, and she is able to use her arms without her breasts jumping all over the place.  The implants no longer slide too far to the sides when she lays down.

Very early follow up photos are shown at just a month after surgery.  She will undergo nipple and areola reconstruction and has the option for free fat grafting in another 3 to 6 months.  She has just been given the green light to start exercising again.


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton