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Before and after bilateral breast revision in a 50 year old breast cancer survivor. She had undergone several past surgeries including painful tissue expansion, breast revisions and temporary explanation. Her goals were to have better symmetry and get rid of chronic pain and tightness related to muscle

Her inframammary folds were obliterated by past surgeries. Her implants were touching in the midline – known as “symmastia”, or “uni-boob”. She had excess fat in her armpit, bra rolls and upper outer poles of the breast that was not addressed by previous surgeries.

Her revision involved removal of her old textured silicone gel breast implants (each of which was rotated 90 degrees to its intended position, contributing to her asymmetry). Her pectoralis major muscles were returned to the chest wall and her chest musculature was reconstructed.

Correction of the symmastia was achieved by changing the pocket from submuscular to subcutaneous, also known as prepectoral. New moderately cohesive, smooth surfaced silicone gel breast implants were placed on top of the muscle. Her inframammary folds were reconstructed by suture techniques
with long-acting, slowly dissolving sutures that were firmly secured to the rib perichondium (lining of the ribs, where the fold of the breast naturally inserts).

Liposuction of the axillary rolls and the upper outer part of the breast removed excess breast tissue. Finally, medical tattoo created nipples and areolas to complete her procedure. Follow up photos are shown two months after surgery. She has resumed unrestricted physical activity (without an animation deformity) and is very happy she is finally done with surgery!


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton