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There is no age limit or time limit for breast revision surgery - really!  There is almost always something that can be done to create better symmetry, make the breasts look better or feel better.  

See these images of a before and after left breast revision in a 69 year old breast cancer survivor.  She previously had a left mastectomy and implant reconstruction. Her left implant was partially under the muscle, creating a distorting animation deformity any time she used her left arm.  

This deformity (also known as the “flexion deformity” or “motion deformity”) is especially visible in the first set of images where she is flexing her pectoralis major muscles – note that after surgery her “party trick” is gone.  

The left sided pectoralis major muscle had pulled the implant up too far and outwards, following the muscle vector.  She avoided wearing low necklines and always felt like she needed to hide her embarrassing reconstruction result. She wanted to leave her right breast, which had not had any surgery, alone – but she wished to address her chest asymmetry.  

This patient’s breast revision removed her previously placed left breast implant and returned her pectoralis muscle to the chest wall.  The muscle naturally falls into place and is sutured firmly to the ribs to reconstruct the normal chest wall anatomy.

A new more highly cohesive silicone gel breast implant was placed on top of the muscle in a more natural anatomic location, in the prepectoral position and lower on the chest.  Liposuction of the axillary roll removed stubborn fat in her armpit region to provide the very best aesthetic result.

Follow up photos are shown less than 3 weeks after surgery.  She is starting to resume physical activities and will be able to exercise without restrictions in another week.  She is very happy with her decision to have surgery and feels like she has a brand new body image – for the better!  


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton