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Before and after bilateral breast skin-only mastopexy (breast lift) in a 52 year old woman. Her breast implants had slowly drooped over years. She wanted to minimize surgery but to have a more perky and youthful look. Her implants were intact and did not need adjusting.

An in-office skin only breast lift was performed under local anesthesia. A numbing agent was injected under her skin, and skin was removed from around the nipples and areolas to allow for her breast skin to be tucked tighter, her nipples to be lifted and the diameter of the nipples to be reduced.

She was awake for the procedure, with a full stomach and no need for fasting. The implant was not at risk of infection since this procedure only involved the breast skin. She took a mild oral anti-anxiety medication and her family member drove her home after this hour long procedure.

Postoperatively, she had some impressive bruising which faded over the first two weeks. She worked from home for the first week and returned to the office on the second week after surgery. For the complete pictorial history of her stages of healing, visit this blog post.

Follow up photos are shown 5 months after surgery. Her “lollipop scars” are maturing nicely and she is so happy with her decision! General anesthesia is not always necessary for Plastic Surgery, especially if the procedure is limited to the skin of the breasts.


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton