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Before and after bilateral breast revision in a 37 year old woman. Her previously placed breast implants had developed capsular contracture after multiple episodes of mastitis during nursing her child.

All signs of infection had resolved, but she was left with implants that felt hard and distorted. She wanted to go back to a natural look, particularly from the sides and when she raised her arms.

Both implants were removed and a capsulectomy removed scar tissue from around the implants. A culture was taken from each side and was found to be negative for bacteria, boding well for a good outcome without recurrence of scar tissue formation.

New silicone gel breast implants were replaced in the subglandular space, on top of the muscle. Follow up photos are shown three months after surgery. She has maintained a natural look, particularly with her arms above her head and from the sides.


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton