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Before and after bilateral nipple and areola reconstruction in a 64 year old breast cancer survivor. She previously had breast reconstruction that included a breast lift resulting in stretched out scars around her areolas and lack of definition of her very pale areolas.

This reconstruction involved accentuating her current anatomy rather than reconstructing a new nipple and areola from scratch. Her areolas and nipples were brightened with medical tattoo.

It is amazing how a simple procedure like nipple and areola tattoo can complete a breast reconstruction! The stretched out and faded scars are now overshadowed by a brighter and more natural size and shape of her areolas.

Long term follow up photos are shown three years after her revision surgery. The tattoo will gradually fade over time and can always be redone, but we have seen good color and intensity last for over 15 years in many of our patients.


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton