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Before and after tubular breast correction with an augmentation and peri-areolar mastopexy. Tubular/tuberous breasts often have a pointy shape, a puffy areola and a high fold that creates the look of droopiness despite a relatively small breast volume. This is called “pseudo-ptosis” due to a constricted breast footprint.

This patient not only wanted fuller breasts that were more proportional to her body, but a more natural and pleasing breast shape. A combined mastopexy and augmentation procedure was planned.

Smooth round silicone gel breast implants were placed subglandularly, on top of the muscle. This allowed the implant to recruit some chest wall skin to create a more round lower pole of the breast.

A peri-areolar mastopexy pushed back her protruding “poochy” areola and eliminated the old high breast fold that is characteristic of a tubular breast. Liposuction of the axillary rolls removed a small amount of armpit fat.

The last set of images show intraoperative details after the left breast has been corrected and the plan for the right breast. The inframammary fold has been lowered, the implant increases the breast volume and rounds out the bottom of the breast, and the incision around the areola corrects the herniated areola.

Follow up photos are shown 4 months after surgery. Her scars are still pink as expected but are starting to fade. For once, she feels comfortable with a new romantic partner and loves that she no longer needs padding her in bras to get the breast size and shape she always wanted!


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton