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Before and after tubular breast correction via mastopexy (breast lift and local tissue rearrangement) and liposuction of the axillary rolls. This 23 year old woman was extremely self-conscious about her breasts.

Like many women with a natural tubular (also called tuberous, as in like a “tuber” or a potato shape), she disliked her breast shape and their asymmetry. Tuberous breasts tend to look droopy, with a wide space between the breasts and an inverted triangle cleavage. This can been seen in this patient by the obvious marks of her underwire bra on her chest in the before photos. She wanted “to look normal” and feel comfortable undressed in front of others.

This woman did not want to have larger breasts, and in fact wanted to be a little smaller breasted – therefore, an implant was not necessary. Her right breast was significantly larger than the left and both felt heavy and drooping.

A local tissue rearrangement of her breast opened up the “footprint of the breasts” and created a more normal cleavage. Breast tissue was reshaped to a more round shape. Her nipples and areolas were lifted and the right breast was slightly reduced in size to make the breasts smore symmetric.

Liposuction of the axillary rolls (armpit fat) and the back fat/bra roll region completed her procedure. Long term follow up photos are shown 3 years after surgery. She no longer thinks twice about changing at the gym or when being intimate. She indeed looks normal, natural and like the vital 26 year old professional she is!


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton