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Before and after bilateral nipple sparing mastectomies and immediate implant reconstruction in a 31 year old woman with aggressive breast cancer. She required neoadjuvant chemotherapy to shrink the tumor before surgery.She used the “cold cap” to preserve her hair follicles, and successfully did not lose any of her scalp hair (this technology is amazing!).

She did not like how another large institution treated her “like a number” or acknowledge that she was “a very young breast cancer patient”. Sadly, aesthetics of her breasts or the planned cosmetic outcome of breast reconstruction was never discussed with her. She cancelled her scheduled surgery which involved tissue expanders, “dead people skin” (ADM), removal of her nipples and pectoralis muscle sacrifice; she knew there must be another way to do things!

Luckily, she found our office. Her goals were to be reconstructed slightly fuller than her natural breast size and to have a lift. Permanent and postoperatively adjustable saline implants were the perfect match for her wishes – they allow patients to choose their postoperative breast volume themselves, and for adjustments to be made as swelling goes down and they heal from cancer surgery.

Although these adjustable saline implants can be left in place permanently, a two stage plan was created for this patient. Bilateral nipple sparing mastectomies were performed through an incision hidden in her breast fold. She completed her cancer treatment after surgery and went back to work and the gym.

A second stage procedure involved replacement of her saline implants with smooth round high profile cohesive “Soft Touch” silicone implants, a lift of her nipples and areolas, liposuction of stubborn armpit fat and fat grafting. Follow up photos are shown two months after this second procedure. She is thrilled with her breasts and she definitely sees the “silver lining” in her breast cancer journey!


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton