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Before and after bilateral delayed DIEP flap in a 54 year old woman who was treated surgically for breast cancer but was never offered breast reconstruction (which breaks our heart!). She did not require chemotherapy and radiation and she took it upon herself to learn about her reconstructive options.

Two years later, she learned about using her own tummy fat to reconstruct two new breasts and was absolutely thrilled! She traveled to San Francisco for a consultation and booked her surgery date right then and there.

Bilateral DIEP flaps reconstructed her breasts to make her similar to her original breast size. Skin and fat was microsurgically transplanted from her lower abdomen to her chest to create two new breast mounts.

Six months later, she underwent nipple reconstructions, abdominal scar revision and free fat grafting. She loved that liposuction could be used as a surgical tool to improve her final reconstruction outcome.

A final in-office procedure under local anesthesia created two new areola circles using medical tattoo. Details of her transformation can be seen in this blog post.

Follow up photos are shown three years after her DIEP flaps. She has recovered fully and is planning her retirement. She now educates other women in her community about her experience and about Microsurgery and the DIEP flap as an incredible reconstructive option for women!


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton