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Before and after bilateral mastopexy (breast lift) and breast augmentation in a 29 year old mother. Her previously full breasts had completely deflated after breast feeding for several years and her nipples and areolas were drooping. She wanted her volume back and reshaping of her breasts with a perkier look.

Smooth round silicone gel breast implants were placed on top of the muscle, in the subglandular position. Her nipples and areolas were lifted via an additional “lollipop” scar. Liposuction of the axillary rolls removed stubborn unwanted fat from her armpit area.

Follow up photos are shown 4 months after surgery. Her incisions are pink, as expected for immature scars. Her areolas are enlarged for the time being – this is normal after any type of breast surgery, including breast augmentations, breast reductions and lifts. There are smooth muscle cell fibers in the areola that temporarily go to sleep after surgery, just as the sensory nerves that provide nipple sensation do.

As the sensory nerves wake up after cosmetic breast surgery, the motor nerves will also wake up and regain their contractile ability. This often takes a year or more for full areola recovery, when they will contract and change size and shape with cold or touch.

She is very pleased with her soft, natural looking and feeling augmentation results and thrilled to learn that her incisions will fade and her areolas will gradually become smaller!


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton