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Before and after Mommy Makeover in a 48 year old mother of three. Before she had children, she had a breast augmentation and was not happy with the results. She wanted to have fuller breasts that were proportional to her curvy figure and had a nicer look.

She had a previous open cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal) through a large incision on her right upper abdomen. She was diligent about working out and hated the overhang of skin and fat that she couldn’t lose through a strict diet and exercise regime.

Her Mommy Makeover included a breast revision, tummy tuck and liposuction. Her original breast shape was somewhat tubular; this was not addressed by her original surgeon. The old saline implants were removed and replaced with slightly larger smooth round silicone gel (gummy bear) implants that sat slightly lower on her chest for a more natural look. The inframammary fold was lowered as for all tubular breast corrections, which improved the relative position of her nipple and areola on the breast.

An abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) surgically removed her annoying excess lower abdominal skin and fat. Her rectus abdominis muscles were repaired to one another in the midline, correcting a significant muscle separation (rectus diastasis). Her remaining abdominal skin was stretched downward to create a flatter contour.

Liposuction completed the procedure, which permanently removed stubborn fat from her axillary rolls (armpit fat and the sides of the breasts), her upper and lower abdomen, flanks, pubic region and upper inner thighs.

Follow up photos are shown at 4 months after surgery. She loves her new breasts and her abdominal contour is greatly improved. She still has swelling of her flank area (seen by marks from her pant waistline), which will slowly resolve over a year. She is now proudly wearing bikinis again on her semi-annual Moms’ vacation!


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton