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Before and after Mommy Makeover in a 44 year old mother of three. She had significant weight fluctuations over the last ten years and found her breasts were deflated and devoid of shape and volume, she had an empty bag of abdominal skin and annoying fat deposits in her armpit area, abdomen, flanks and inner thighs.

For her breasts, smooth round silicone gel breast implants were placed on top of the muscle for the most feminine and natural but voluptuous look. A mastopexy lifted her nipples and reduced her areola diameter, redraping her baggy breast skin around her new breast shape and volume.

A tummy tuck removed much (but not all, unfortunately) of her lower abdominal baggy skin and many of her stretch marks. In general, if stretch marks are below the belly button (umbilicus or navel) before surgery, they will be removed in an abdominoplasty. If they extend above the belly button or on to the thighs or flanks, then they cannot be removed during a tummy tuck.

One of the most amazing transformations was this SuperMom’s back fat/bra roll area. Liposuction permanently removed stubborn fat from her armpit region and the sides of her breasts. Together with her mastopexy-augmentation which redraped the sides of the breasts forward, liposuction helped to give this area an even better cosmetic result.

Her Mommy Makeover included a breast augmentation and a breast lift, a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) and permanent removal via liposuction of stubborn fat from her her axillary rolls (armpit fat), abdomen, flanks, and upper inner thighs. Follow up photos are shown just 2 months after surgery. Her scars are maturing and she is well on her way to feeling more comfortable in her skin, and more like the vital, fit and energetic woman she is at work and at home with her family!


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton