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Before and after liposuction of the back, flanks and hips in a 30 year old woman.  This procedure was performed in conjunction with her Mommy Makeover, which included a breast lift and a tummy tuck.  She had never had a slender figure and she wasn’t looking to be someone who she wasn’t – she just wanted to be her very best self!

Liposuction of the upper and lower back rolls, her flanks (“muffin top”, “spare tire”) circumferentially and her hips was performed in the operating room.  Because she also was having a tummy tuck, she stayed overnight in the hospital for safety and postoperative monitoring.  If the liposuction was the only procedure involved, she would have gone home the same day.

Early follow up photos are shown just 6 weeks after surgery.  There is already a dramatic improvement in these areas!  She is still wearing compression garments when she is sleeping or exercising and she has returned to work and being a Mom.

Over the next 3 to 6 months the firm swelling will continue to be reabsorbed and she will have even more dramatic results!


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton