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Before and after liposuction of the abdomen and front of the flanks in a 44 year old woman. She had regained her pre-pregnancy weight, but could not lose her “thick middle” despite her best efforts.

She had mild “rectus diastasis” (stretching apart of the rectus abdominis muscles) from pregnancies, but what bothered her most was the thick fat layer under her skin.

Liposuction of the abdomen and flanks was performed together with a breast reduction and lift as part of her Mommy Makeover. She has maintained very good results, not gaining a single pound since her surgery 8 years ago!

Long term follow up photos are shown 8 years after surgery. She still has mild bulging of her abdominal wall from pregnancy, but the stubborn fat is gone and she is very comfortable with her belly, now at age 52!


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton