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Before and after abdominoplasty in a 37 year old mother of two.  Her tummy bounced back well after her first  pregnancy, but she found her abdominal contour was different after her last pregnancy.  A body conscious fitness instructor, she felt her abdomen did not reflect the hard work she put in every single day.

Her abdominoplasty removed excess skin and fat, repaired her muscles in the midline (correcting rectus diastasis) and gave her back the tummy she had before surgery.  She did not mind the scars, and found that they faded even more after the first year.

Follow up photos are shown a year and a half after her Mommy Makeover.  She is comfortable wearing bikinis and often shows her clients her belly to help educate them that while a tummy tuck isn't for everyone, she did it (even personal trainers need help sometimes!).


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton