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Before and after tummy tuck in a 58 year old mother and grandmother.  She had retired from her first career and found herself finally tackling things she had wanted to do for years - like getting fit, cleaning out her closets and finally doing things for herself!

Following a 20 pound weight loss and gaining abdominal strength, she came for an educational consultation to learn about her options to contour her belly.  Liposuction was definitely recommended to remove stubborn unwanted fat in her upper abdomen, pubic region, flanks and thighs.  However, her lower abdominal overhang required an abdominoplasty to remove it and tighten her abdominal wall skin.

Follow up photos are shown two years after her "Nana Makeover".  She feels comfortable in her skin and is ready to embark on a new job with a positive body image and newfound sense of being a "hot mama and hot nana!"


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton