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Before and after abdominoplasty in a 35 year old mother of three. With her first pregnancy, she gained a significant amount of weight and developed extensive stretch marks in her abdomen, flanks and upper thighs. She had extra, loose hanging skin and excess fat that persisted despite her best efforts at getting fit elsewhere and dedicated work outs.

A tummy tuck removed the majority of her stretch marks and the excess skin and fat from below her belly button. Her rectus abdominis muscles were repaired to each other in the midline, the abdominal skin was stretched downward, and her belly button assumed a more attractive, youthful look.

Follow up images are shown at 8 months after surgery. Her abdomen has a taught, toned look and she can now see and feel her strong rectus muscles underneath! Her scar continues to fade and mature from its slightly brownish hyperpigmented tone.

She still has some stretch marks remaining on the skin that could not be removed with the abdominoplasty. She has resumed all physical activities without difficulty and she swears she is now stronger and more ergonomically balanced than before!


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton