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Before and after tummy tuck as part of a Mommy Makeover in a 40 year old mother of three. She bounced back well after her first pregnancy (like many Moms do!), her belly stretched out significantly after her second pregnancy, and after her third she was congratulated all the time on her pregnancy – although her oldest was now four years of age!

Her Mommy Makeover included a breast augmentation and a lift (mastopexy-augmentation), a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) and liposuction of her upper inner thighs and axillary rolls. These procedures can all be done together safely, with a single anesthetic, one night’s stay in the hospital and one postoperative recovery period.

Her tummy tuck repaired her severely stretched apart rectus abdominis core muscles back together in the midline, corrected the “rectus diastasis”, effectively reconstructing the anatomy of her abdominal wall. Her abdominal skin was pulled tightly downward and her belly button was brought out through a new skin opening as a cute “innie”.

Liposuction of small areas of her upper inner thighs completed her procedure. After surgery, she took a month off work and allowed her family and friends to take over her Mommy duties. She returned to exercise at six weeks and wisely gave herself the time needed for full recovery before she resumed volunteer duties and other extracurricular activities.

Follow up photos are shown 10 weeks after surgery. She has begun scar therapy and her nerves are starting to wake up. There are several areas of “post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation”, which is very common in dark skinned individuals. She understands it will be a full year before her scars are near their final stages of maturation and up to a year before her abdominal skin sensation returns fully.


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton