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Before and after mini-abdominoplasty in a 34 year old woman who had lost a significant amount of weight several years previously. She had not had children and therefore did not have separation of her abdominal muscles. She did, however, have loose lower abdominal skin and stretch marks similar to post-pregnancy bellies.

After adopting and committing to a healthy lifestyle, she wanted to feel more comfortable in her body and to not need shapewear under fitted clothes. Her post-weight loss makeover consisted of a breast lift and mini-abdominoplasty. Any time a procedure is named “mini”, that means not all components of the “full” procedure are included. In this case, muscle repair was not necessary as she had not had pregnancies and did not have any rectus diastasis.

The last image in this series shows the lower abdominal skin and fat that was removed in her surgery. Additional fat was excised from around the belly button, which was inset through a new skin opening. Her lower abdominal scar is still relatively dark at this stage of healing. She is actively doing scar therapy, which involves scar massage and use of a topical scar gel. Liposuction removed excess fat from her upper and lower abdomen, pubic region, upper inner thighs and flanks circumferentially.

Follow up photos are shown 9 months after surgery. It will take at least a full year to appreciate her final results.


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton