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Before and after a mini-abdominoplasty in a 45 year old mother. She was planning a breast lift and wanted to improve her abdominal contour at the same time. However, she wanted to minimize her downtime and she had realistic expectations for her results.

She wanted to feel more comfortable in a one-piece bathing suit and dresses without feeling like she needed to wear Spanx-type garments with every outfit!

A mini- abdominoplasty is a mini procedure – meaning, it does not address all the things that a full tummy tuck does. In a mini tummy tuck, the muscles are not repaired and there is minimal undermining of the abdominal skin. Only lower abdominal skin and fat are removed and liposuction removes fat from under the skin of the tummy and the flanks.

A mini-abdominoplasty scar is usually a little shorter than many traditional tummy tuck scars, but slightly longer than C-section scars. The belly button is usually not moved and the abdominal muscles still have some separation.

Keeping the abdominal core strong and the rectus muscles contracted when upright helps promote the nicest tummy profile after a procedure that does not adjust the muscles, like liposuction only or a mini-abdominoplasty. Just think of dancers – their core muscles are always engaged!

Follow up photos are shown two years after surgery. Her lower abdominal scar is mature and she is very satisfied with her results.


*All photos are actual patient photographs and are for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

Dr Karen Horton