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Advanced Breast Reconstruction Techniques in San Francisco, by a Woman Plastic Surgeon

breast recon brochure cover

Thinking about tomorrow’s National BRA Day, or Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day, I am reminded that most Plastic Surgeons unfortunately do not offer all the available techniques of breast reconstruction.  In fact, many Plastic Surgeons do not offer reconstructive surgery as part of their practice.

As a woman and a Plastic Surgeon who entered this profession to help others, I found early on in my training that I connected well with other women, particularly breast cancer patients.

Although I do not have a history of breast cancer in my family, many of my family members also care for breast cancer patients in their own way.  My father is a nearly-retired Surgical Oncologist who specialized for thirty years in breast cancer surgery.  My sister Ingrid is a Genetic Counselor in Toronto who sees many women with a history of breast cancer in their family, or who are wondering whether they carry the BRCA gene.

And I have developed a significant part of my private practice in San Francisco to breast cancer reconstruction, using advanced techniques that are not always offered to women who require breast cancer surgical treatment.

State-of-the-art options for breast reconstruction include:

Click on my downloadable Advanced Breast Reconstruction handout to learn more about each of these techniques, and visit the breast reconstruction overview section of my website!

Happy BRA Day 2013!

Karen M. Horton, M.D., M.Sc., F.A.C.S., F.R.C.S.C.

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Dr Karen Horton