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Common Reasons to Consider Earlobe Repair

stretched out piercing

Individuals seeking correction of stretched-out earlobes do so for various reasons. Often, they are tired of the look of hanging or drooping earlobes and want to either go without piercings altogether, or wear smaller, more conservative earrings. In other instances, they may have changed their overall style from alternative to more conservative, or they may be looking for a new career where their earlobes might make a statement that doesn’t fit with their current persona.

Plastic Surgery is designed for just that reason: to correct, enhance or change a part of a man’s or woman’s body to improve their self-image and self-esteem, as well as to provide them more satisfaction with the appearance or function of targeted part of the body. In the case of earlobe correction from wearing large gauges or plugs, it is usually a cosmetic concern (to want to have normal looking earlobes again), but it also will allow the person to once again wear normal earrings following the procedure.

Ultimately, earlobe repair is a very satisfying procedure for many patients, and it enables them to move forward without even thinking of their earlobes afterward!

– Dr. Karen Horton, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Contact Our Office
If you are considering earlobe repair and would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Horton, please don’t hesitate to contact our office today.

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Dr Karen Horton