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Dr. Horton and Her Team Discuss Breast Reconstruction for BRA Day 2022

Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day, also known as BRA Day, was established to educate the public about reconstructive options available to women after breast cancer. BRA Day 2022 was October 19, 2022 and the team at San Francisco Plastic Surgery honored the day with an in-depth discussion about what breast reconstruction means to them.

In her Plastic Surgery career, Dr. Karen Horton has performed breast reconstruction surgery for thousands of breast cancer patients. She has also been a tireless advocate for breast cancer patients, working to ensure that they understand their right to breast reconstruction and their full spectrum of surgical options.

When Dr. Horton and her team reflected on what breast reconstruction means to them, the discussion centered around patient empowerment. Dr. Horton shared that breast reconstruction can, “help a woman feel whole and feminine and help restore her sense of self.” Patient Coordinator Mary Pasache focused on the way that breast reconstruction is about “allowing women to have choices when they are diagnosed with breast cancer.” Rose Natukunda, Lead Scrub Technician, said that breast reconstruction gives women, “A new day. A new way to see themselves”.

Watch the video to hear Dr. Horton and her team discuss what breast reconstruction means to them and how breast cancer has affected their lives.

Dr. Horton and Her Team Are Here for Breast Reconstruction Patients

Another sentiment that was echoed by each member of the team is how important it is to them to be there for breast reconstruction patients and help them through each step of their journey. Dr. Horton explained that for her it is an, “honor and privilege to have played a role in so many women’s lives by helping with their breast reconstruction.” If you are seeking information on breast reconstruction, we are here for you—contact us with any questions.

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Dr Karen Horton