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Dr. Karen Horton Discusses Blepharoplasty in Allure Magazine

Blepharoplasty: Is It Safe?
San Francisco Plastic Surgeon Dr. Karen Horton was recently featured in an Allure article about blepharoplasty, in which the candidacy, costs, risks, and benefits of this facial procedure were discussed. Blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery or an eye lift, is a surgical procedure to restore a youthful appearance to the eye area. Upper blepharoplasty is designed to remove loose or sagging skin around the eyes while lower blepharoplasty corrects under eye bags.

The Allure article, which stresses the importance of finding an experienced and Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon in order to minimize risks and achieve favorable results, is comprehensive in describing what happens before, during, and after eyelid surgery. Dr. Horton explains how advances in surgical techniques allow her blepharoplasty patients to experience, “less swelling and bruising, shorter scars and less downtime”.

Read the full article: Blepharoplasty: The Eyelid Lifting Procedure Is on the Rise — But Is It Safe?

Contact Dr. Horton

Dr. Horton and her team are dedicated to helping people look and feel their best. Contact us if you are interested in blepharoplasty or other surgical or non-surgical procedures in the Bay Area.

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Dr Karen Horton